
Ring Rewards: A HealthKit Linked Candy Dispenser

This is the first end-to-end product I have designed. I developed and built a candy dispenser than can be controlled through my IOS app 'Ring Rewards!' which only dispenses candy when the user has reached their Apple Fitness goals

The Pee Pointer

For the second build in Simone Giertz's creative building class I built a motion activated laser guide/night light to illuminate my toilet at night time and housed it all inside a miniature toilet.

MRI Scan to 3D printed Brain Music Visualizer

I took an MRI scan of my brain and 3D printed a lifesize copy. I then developed a program to visualize music based on frequency.

A Biomechanical Analysis Of Swimmer's Dolphin Kick

A method of analysing the dolphin kick of swimmers to optimize performance based on their biometrics.