Mini USB-C Bench Power Supply

After being unable to find the perfect power supply I wanted online, I decided to just build my own. It turned out better than I could have hoped and already has come in handy for my projects!

Check out the video below for more details:

It is powered via USB-C Power Delivery (PD), which enables you to use any size usb brick to power the supply on the go or at home. This greatly miniaturizes the size of the device.

Exploded View

The assembly takes the following components (affiliate linked, thank you for your support!) in addtion to the 3D printed components which can be found in the first link below:

Iain Zwiebel
Iain Zwiebel
Biomedical Engineer

Iain Zwiebel is a Biomedical Engineer committed to creating positive change in the world through human centered design, particularly in the health sector.
